

Our team works with vehicle manufacturers, dealers, suppliers, logistic businesses and motor finance companies; advising on a range of issues, challenges and opportunities facing the automotive industry.

The automotive sector faces a wide range of issues and challenges that change as quickly as cars roll off the assembly line.

Drawing on their experience from a variety of disciplines including: M&A, corporate, litigation, product liability, and intellectual property, the team provide clients with a unique insight into the challenges and opportunities facing the automotive industry.

They regularly work with vehicle manufacturers, dealers, suppliers, logistic businesses and motor finance companies, advising on matters concerning:

  • Franchising
  • Dealer finance
  • HP and finance contracts
  • Cross border trade
  • Debt recovery and insolvency
  • Recalls
  • Health and Safety

Whether a traditional automotive player, new to the automotive industry or working on future disruptive technology, our clients benefit from our expertise and in-depth knowledge. We provide them with a competitive advantage while minimising risk.