News & thinking

Trusts and Asset Planning:

New requirements for incorporated societies now live

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The new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 (Act) and its Regulations came into force on 5 October 2023. This introduces significant changes to the law for incorporated societies, meaning that: Existing incorporated societies are now able…

Where there’s a Will there’s a way

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The COVID-19 pandemic may prompt you to consider whether your existing estate and asset planning arrangements are appropriate and up to date.   It is an exercise that is often put in the ‘too hard’ basket because, well, let’s…

New Trusts Act 2019

The law relating to trusts has been comprehensively reviewed. This review has culminated in the Trusts Act 2019 which was passed in July and comes into full force on 30 January 2021. The Act applies to all trusts, both existing and any new trusts. The…

The Tax Working Group Report – What could this mean for you?

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Recently, the Tax Working Group (the Group) released its final report, setting out its recommendations and the design of the proposed broad taxation on capital gains (TCG) – aimed at addressing the structure, fairness and balance of our tax…

What the Trusts Bill could mean for you as a trustee?

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Trusts are very popular in New Zealand and are used in a variety of ways to protect property, family members and manage assets. Between 300,000 to 500,000 trusts are operational in New Zealand, and the proposed changes will impact many New Zealanders. Following…

End of a relationship – New changes proposed on how your property and assets may be shared

Whether you are married, or in a de facto relationship, whether you have a pre-nup or not, in the event your relationship comes to an end either through separation or death the division of property and assets may be affected by the terms of…